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career professional

Breaking News

We offer you value, insight, and a personalized roadmap to success through our one-on-one career guidance sessions.

Get Started

Select the Career Service you require by clicking "Book Now" button

Career Consultation

Speak to a career advisor to clear your immediate education and career needs from the comfort of your home. A scientifically-backed career consultation to help you plan your education or career

  • 1
     Analysis of your Career Survey Report
  • 2
     Finding the most suitable Degree/Course for you
  • 3
     Identifying the Best Career Options for your life situation

Delivery via phone call or Online video call (eg: Zoom)

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Career Inspiration & Mentorship Program

  • 1
     Goal Setting: Working with a mentor to define clear and achievable short-term and long-term career goals
  • 2
     Skill Development: Learning about the skills and competencies required in your chosen field and receiving guidance on how to develop them effectively
  • 3
     Networking: Leveraging your mentor's network to expand your own connections within the industry
  • 4
     Professional Development: Receiving advice on workshops, courses, certifications, and other opportunities for continuous learning and growth
  • 5
     Industry Insights: Gaining knowledge about the current trends, challenges, and opportunities in your field.
Join Now

Don't let your career dreams wait. Join our Career Mentorship Program